
7 Black Adam’s Secrets That You Must Know


How Black Adam got his powers?

The original version of the story got his powers from the same elite beings as Billy Batson(Shazam), including King Solomon, Hercules and Atlas.


I am currently covering the current version of Shu. He got his powers from the Six Egyptian gods Shu, Amon Zehuti, Zehuti and Aton.

This means that Adam does not draw his power directly from the Wizard, even though he may occasionally say Shazam.

What are the Abilities and Powers of Black Adam?

Black Adam has the following powers: Vast Superhuman Strength; speed, endurance, durability; near invulnerability; virtual immortality; the ability fly; high-level magical abilities; enhanced senses and intelligence; teleportation; the ability heal oneself and others.

Black Adam is considered one of the most skilled hand-to-hand fighters in the world. This includes the fact that he has hundreds of years to use his powers in combat.

Black Adam also has the ability to enter a Berserkerrage state. This seems to increase his strength and abilities many times.

He was able to walk alone through several teams of super-heroes at once. To be fair, his abilities are not at their full potential.

What are the Weaknesses Of Black Adam?

His only real weaknesses are his acceptance of multiple high-level magicians, which works in concert against him, as well as being caught unaware by those who are resistant or immune to magic powers.

This is the UltraMan, which is the most evil Superman version from Earth-3.

Is Black Adam a hero?

Black Adam was originally a pure evil villain. However, his current form has been proven to be more nuanced, almost antiheroic.

Although he can be brutal and ruthless in dealing with oppression, he has been proven to be a reasonable man.

Where did the Black Adam come from?

Before he was granted his powers, Teth Adam(Black Adam), actually lived as a slave in the country of Kahndaq. This is located in the Egyptian region.

He lived with his family, including a nephew called Amman, in a brutal life under the rule of Ibacthe first.

Adam managed to escape, and he was able to subdue his nephew’s slave masters. He then helped him free himself. He was unable to save Adam’s mother or father, but he did manage to rescue Adam’s sister.

Adam was fatally wounded while they were fleeing, even though he told his nephew that he would leave them behind to save himself.

The young man refused them to go, saying that they would escape together. Just as they were about be killed, Teth and Amman were taken by mystical forces to Rock of Eternity.

They were the Council of Eternity. He told Amman that he was worthy to be their champion of magical magic. Amman agreed, but only with the condition that they rescue his dying uncle, who was critically ill.

Both were then able to speak the magic words Sharzam and were teleported back into Kahndaq.

These powers were able to heal Teth-Adams of his physical injuries but they did not cure his resentfulness. In his mind, his anger at Ibac only led him to plot revenge against them.

His nephew, however, chose the path of Peace.

This led to Amman being unable to speak the word Shazam. His uncle took his and his nephews’ share of the power, and snapped Amman’s neck.

He was now called black Adam and he continued to lead all of Ibec’s armies. Ibec eventually cursed, and he turned himself into stone with one word.

Why was Black Adam locked up for 5000 years?

The next year saw black Adam become a strong protector of Kahndaq. He became a Pharaoh of the land, and destroyed all who threatened or invaded his people.

Then he devised a plan to capture seven sins and destroy the Earth, rebuilding it as he wished.

The Council of Eternity noticed his betrayal at this point. They engaged in an epic battle with him, which ended up with almost all of them being destroyed. This Shazam Wizard managed to subdue him, locking him away for nearly 5500 years.

How did Black Adam get revived?

Later, Dr. Sivana revived him in the modern-day and after a while to adjust to the new world and learn the languages he quickly focuses on his Seven-Sins plan.

It was also discovered that Billy Batson, aka Shazam, is a new champion in magic. He wants his power, of course.

Black Adam continues to be a bad but good person at times. He is brutal and has his own plans for dark justice.

Yet, he still loves his homeland Kahndaq and sometimes steps up to fight those he believes are oppressors like the crime syndicate.


He’s an intriguing and powerful member of DC Universe. I will give Black Adam a rating 10 based on his power and influence on DC Comics.

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